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Rack Function

Hemos creado múltiples Steadyracks para adaptarse a varios tipos de bicicletas. Los soportes de montaje de nuestros portaequipajes son todos iguales, sólo los brazos tienen diferentes longitudes y anchuras para adaptarse a varios tamaños de bicicleta. Para encontrar el Steadyrack correcto para su bicicleta, visite la página Nuestros productos para saber cómo medir con precisión su bicicleta.

Con un Steadyrack, no hay necesidad de levantar o hacer malabares con las bicicletas. Basta con apretar el freno trasero, agarrar el manillar y caminar hacia atrás para hacer palanca y colocar la bicicleta en la rueda trasera. Vea nuestra demostración de cómo subir bicicletas pesadas a nuestro portabicicletas.

Sí, nuestros cinco bastidores pivotan hasta 160 grados, a izquierda y derecha.

El neumático solo necesita tener un contacto parcial con el resto para que cumpla su función. Únicamente tienes que colocar la rueda trasera hacia el lado en el que quieras pivotar la bicicleta.

Funciona universalmente con todos los anchos de neumáticos, incluidos los neumáticos gordos. Los neumáticos estrechos generalmente se asientan más profundamente en el soporte (más que los neumáticos anchos).

Colgar una bicicleta en un Steadyrack no causará ningún daño a su cuadro, horquillas o ruedas. Ninguna parte del cuadro de la bicicleta toca el portabicicletas, sólo el neumático delantero, que se apoya en los brazos de acero.

Steadyrack are assembled using a specific tension for the nuts that hold the central spine to the top and bottom mounting brackets. (torque setting = 5nM) This setting is designed to give sufficient tension to the pivot to ensure bikes can be loaded on any angle without the rack moving around too much. When you remove the 2 plastic caps from the top and bottom the nuts are exposed. You can loosen both nuts and it will free up the rack more and equally you can tighten them to lock the rack into position. We recommend you maintain them so the racks are stiff but can still be pivoted.
The rack can be quite stiff when you use it for the first few times then it loosens up a bit. This is due to the type of fibre washers we use to assist with the stiffening effect.

The racks are designed to cover a wide range of tyre widths. Some wider tyres will fit tightly in between the arms of the rack. As long as you can still release them by pulling on the handlebars with minimal force it's fine. It actually helps to ensure the bikes can't be easily dislodged. If you find you have to use excessive force to remove the bike you may need to change to a larger version of the racks.

No, it's not possible to lock the rack solid in one position. You can tighten the nuts sufficiently that the rack will be very hard to pivot which will effectively hold it in the one position. To do this you need to remove the 2 plastic mounting bracket covers (end caps) and tightening the 2 nuts that attach the central pivot bar to the mounting brackets. We recommend you check your fixings to your wall carefully and make sure they are very secure if you do this as any pressure sideways will put extreme pressure on the mounting brackets fixings.

No, you can load and unload the bike at any angle provided that the central pivot bar nuts are set to the factory setting of 5nM.

It really depends on the width of your handlebars and the pedals. It will fold until the handlebars touch the wall but not quite 90 degrees or flat to the wall. For a normal road bike bar, we would allow about 400mm or around 16 inches, and for a MTB with wider bars probably around 1m or 39 inches (give or take).

Al almacenar sus bicicletas verticalmente con un Steadyrack, podrá girar las bicicletas hasta 160 grados en cada dirección, colocándolas más cerca de la pared. Esto no sólo ahorrará espacio en el suelo, sino también más espacio en las áreas más pequeñas, lo que es útil cuando se comparte el espacio con un coche. El hecho de poder pivotar las estanterías de lado a lado, cuando se combina con el diseño del brazo, permite una flexibilidad de ubicación y un ahorro de espacio mucho mayor que cualquier otro producto. El diseño revolucionario y patentado de Steadyracks ayuda a ahorrar más de su valioso espacio en el suelo y puede montarse en prácticamente cualquier pared, con tan solo 350 mm entre cada estantería. Gracias a la acción giratoria/pivotante, las bicicletas que se almacenan en un Steadyrack pueden superponerse y, cuando no se utilizan, los brazos simplemente se pliegan para obtener aún más espacio.

The Steadyrack won’t work with a rear wheel because of the derailleur and gears.  One of the main features is the way you roll your bike in and out; you don’t use a lifting action so you can do away with hooks. It’s very easy to balance the bike on the back wheel and push forward until the front tire engages and then it just rolls up and drops into the 2 v shaped cradling points. The bike is then resting on a cushioned tyre not hanging by a hook.

We’ve listened to your feedback, and we now have a new and improved design for our Rear Tyre Rests, including a larger Rear Tyre Rest for Fat Rack. The Rear Tyre Rests are now available in three different sizes: Small, Medium and Large. The Small Tyre Rest is compatible with bikes stored in the Classic Rack and Fender Rack. The Medium Tyre Rest is compatible with bikes stored in the Mountain Bike Rack and eBike Rack. The Large Tyre Rest is compatible with bikes stored in the Fat Rack.

Lo sentimos, pero actualmente no tenemos una solución que se adapte a su tamaño de neumático y también se acomoda a un guardabarros / guardabarros. Si su guardabarros/defensa es del tipo clip-on que no está conectado al eje delantero con varillas de metal, entonces debería funcionar bien con el Fat Rack.

Steadyrack Classic, Fat, Fender Mountain Bike and eBike Racks all come in Black only. However, you can customise your racks with our End Caps, which come in red, blue, green, yellow, orange and grey. Watch our End Cap installation video here.

Yes - all our racks are compatible with most types of locks, including chain, cable and D-locks. It is also important that you do not rely on the rack arms, as the bolts holding these to the rack frame can be undone.

Great question! The best process is to put the rear brake on and walk backwards to raise the bike up onto the rear tyre. This ensures that there is minimal effort used and absolutely no lifting required.

Como Steadyrack está diseñado para ser la solución definitiva de almacenamiento sin elevación, puede estar seguro de que almacenar su bicicleta en un Steadyrack no le causará ningún esfuerzo en la espalda. El diseño sin elevador facilita el almacenamiento incluso de bicicletas pesadas. Lea más sobre las ventajas de Steadyrack aquí.

Product Specifications

Sí, tenemos un soporte para bicicletas eléctricas que es perfecto para guardar bicicletas eléctricas pesadas con guardabarros.

The Fender Racks will suit exactly the same bikes as the Classic Rack except the Fender rack will also work with bikes that have fenders or mudguards, whereas the Classic is only suitable for bikes without fenders and mudguards. The Fender rack will also only accommodate for bikes up to 25kg/55lbs.

Due to the small space between the front tyre and the down tube on TT bikes you would need a Fender Rack or eBike Rack.

Unfortunately, any wheels that are less than 16" in diameter will not fit in any of our Steadyracks. If you store a bike with smaller wheels, you risk not having the tyre come into contact with the two V-shaped cradling points, meaning the fork will rest on the rack before the tyre.

We found some success with placing Velcro straps on the bottom arm to shorten the distance between the 2 points, however the bikes are not as stable, and you would need to strap the wheel to the upper arm of the rack with Velcro as well.

Some of the newer plus size MTB tyres have extra-large shoulder lugs (tread) which take the overall width past the actual measurement marked on the sidewall. If your tyres have extra wide lugs you can still work to our sizes in our guide but it will be a tighter fit and will mean you have to push it into the rack and pull harder on the bike to dislodge it when you remove it. So yes it should fit in a Mountain Bike Rack but will be a firm fit. If you don’t want to do that you should go to the next size up to the Fat Rack. The bike will sit nicely in the rack but the front wheel may fall to one side slightly due to the larger gap but it will be very easy to unload.

No recomendamos superar los límites de peso establecidos para cada portaequipajes. El peso extra y la fuerza de rodar una bicicleta más pesada en el Fender Rack podría causar que los brazos se doblen. Trabajar con los pesos indicados para cada portaequipajes eliminará cualquier posibilidad de dañar el portaequipajes o su bicicleta. Si su bicicleta es más pesada y tiene guardabarros o guardabarros, eche un vistazo a nuestra eBike Rack.

We have 5 models to suit a wide variety of bikes. The best model for your bike depends on the wheel rim diameter and tyre width of your front wheel. Please visit our website to work out which rack you need.

No recomendamos almacenar bicicletas con ruedas de menos de 16" de diámetro en nuestros portabicicletas. Si almacena una bicicleta con ruedas más pequeñas, corre el riesgo de que el neumático no entre en contacto con los dos puntos de sujeción en forma de V, lo que significa que la horquilla se apoyará en el bastidor antes que el neumático.

Encontramos algo de éxito colocando correas de velcro en el brazo inferior para acortar la distancia entre los 2 puntos, sin embargo las bicicletas no son tan estables, y necesitarías atar la rueda al brazo superior del portabicicletas con velcro también. 

Yes! This is a common concern for many bike owners with these types of brakes and suspension. When your bike is hung up vertically, the fluid in your forks will run towards the seals and keep them lubricated. This will prolong their use, so it's actually good for your bike and forks to hang it vertically on our bike racks. If you have hydraulic brakes on your bike the fluid will run down when the bike is hung, so we advise pumping the brakes a few times when you take the bike off the rack if it's been there for a while. The shocks shouldn't leak when the bike is hung up, however if they do it's a good indication that the seals may need replacing. Read our blog post for more information about storing bikes with hydraulic brakes in Steadyracks.

Una de las principales características de nuestro diseño es el hecho de que es el portaequipajes más adecuado para las ruedas de carbono. La presión sobre la bicicleta es menor que la que se ejerce sobre ella y, sin duda, es mejor que los ganchos. La rueda queda acunada entre los dos puntos de acunado en forma de V que se crean al plegar los brazos y el neumático amortigua la rueda y la bicicleta. No debería ser necesario realizar ningún tipo de mantenimiento en sus llantas o ruedas si utiliza un Steadyrack.

Steadyracks are actually the perfect solution for storing carbon frame bikes and wheelsets! This is because our racks cradle the whole front wheel tyre, meaning there is no direct contact with the wheelset or bike frame. Additionally, there is less risk of damage from and to surrounding bikes as the racks are made to pivot and are hung by rolling the bike into the cradle instead of lifting the bike onto a hook.

Our MTB rack is wider and longer to accommodate the larger tyres on mountain bikes, however your 1.75 inch tyres will still sit securely in the MTB rack. You'll find there's some slight movement of the bike within the rack due to the rack being larger than the Classic Rack, however the bike is still completely secure within the MTB rack if you wish to use that one.

Diseño e instalación

Nuestras guías de diseño y de espaciado están disponibles para su descarga en nuestro sitio web.

Cada estante se suministra con:

1 soporte de plástico para la rueda trasera, que debe fijarse a la pared en línea con el eje de la rueda trasera (consulte nuestras instrucciones y vídeos de instalación para obtener más información).

4x tornillos y tacos para la instalación del bastidor.

2 tornillos y tacos más pequeños para el soporte de la rueda trasera.

Instrucciones de instalación

1 año de garantía gratuita

There are four mounting holes on each mounting plate. You should only use two of these holes to fix your rack to the wall or frame. The two vertically aligned holes are for fixing to studs and the two horizontal aligned holes are for fixing into masonry.

Visite nuestra página de consejos de instalación para obtener más detalles.

La colocación de las estanterías depende de si quiere ahorrar espacio en el suelo, en la pared o en ambos. Hemos creado una práctica guía de colocación en la pared para ayudarte.

Ahorrar espacio en el suelo 

Si quieres ahorrar espacio en el suelo, tendrás que colgar los portabicicletas más separados para poder utilizar el pivote para plegarlos más cerca de la pared. Si quieres plegarlas al máximo, lo mejor es separarlas lo suficiente para que las bicicletas no toquen la estantería de al lado cuando esté plegada. 

Ahorrar espacio en la pared 

Si quieres ahorrar espacio en la pared, puedes colgarlas más juntas. Ten en cuenta que cuanto más cerca estén unas de otras, menos podrán pivotar antes de tocar las bicicletas de ambos lados de la que está accediendo. También es posible que tengas que escalonar las alturas (una arriba y otra abajo) para evitar que los manillares se toquen entre sí. Lo bueno de nuestro diseño es que puedes poner las motos a una distancia de hasta 350 mm y en algunos casos incluso más cerca, pero aún así puedes crear un espacio de acceso pivotando las motos a ambos lados.

Un poco de los dos

Hemos comprobado que espaciar los portabicicletas a la misma altura y con una separación de unos 600 mm o 2 pies le dará un poco de ambas cosas. Las bicicletas se pueden plegar unas sobre otras, pero sólo sobresaldrán en el espacio del suelo la mitad de lo que lo harían si estuvieran en ángulo recto. A menudo esto significa que puedes meter un coche en tu plaza de aparcamiento junto a tus bicicletas.

Esto es sólo una guía, por lo que le recomendamos que compruebe el tamaño de sus bicicletas, el tipo y la anchura del manillar y el espacio disponible en la pared y en el suelo. Para obtener más información sobre el espaciado, visite nuestra página Guía de colocación en la pared.

All Steadyracks are supplied with M8 Hex bolts and 10mm x 50mm masonry wall plugs for the racks and M6 screws and8mm x 35mm masonry wall plugs for the rear tyre rest. Wall plugs are for masonry use only. You will require a 10mm masonry drill bit for the 10mm wall plug, and an 8mm masonry drill bit for the 8mm wall plug.

Visite nuestra página de consejos de instalación para obtener instrucciones detalladas.

Como las fijaciones métricas no siempre coinciden con el tamaño exacto de la broca en varias regiones, si no está seguro le aconsejamos que lleve los tacos suministrados con su bastidor a su ferretería local o a un experto, y les pida el tamaño correcto de la broca para su equipo e instalación.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que necesitará un tamaño diferente para el descanso del neumático trasero. 

It is recommended that you use all four M8 screws, and both M6 screws. Each Steadyrack comes with 4x bolts and plugs for installing the rack and 2x smaller screws and plugs for the rear tyre rest. There are four mounting holes on each mounting plate and you will only need to use two of these holes to fix your rack to the wall or frame. The two vertically aligned holes are for fixing to studs and the two horizontally aligned holes are for fixing into masonry or other solid surfaces. Steadyracks cannot be fixed to any fragile surface including drywall, gyprock, plasterboard etc. They must be fixed to structurally sound surfaces capable of taking the weight of the bike and rack. Visit our Installation advice page for detailed instructions.

As long as the door is solid and not hollow then yes and the fixings provided are suitable to install on to a solid timber door.

You can fix rails across the studs at your preferred mounting height and then you can space your racks along the rails. Another option is to fix a sheet of plywood (10-13mm, or 1/2 inch thick) across the top of your wall lining or studs and then screw your racks to the ply in the exact location you want them.

Steadyracks can be installed into any structurally sound vertical surface.
It is NOT recommended that you install Steadyracks into Plasterboard or Drywall (also known as Gyprock). Fixing to Drywall, Plasterboard or Gyprock alone voids our warranty. Your racks must always be fixed to a suitable structural material capable of supporting the weight of the rack and the bike. The wall plugs/anchors supplied are for masonry use only.

Steadyracks can be installed into any structurally sound vertical surface. Fixings are provides for installing to Timber or Masonry (brick/concrete). If you wish to install the rack to any other type of surface - such as steel you will need to purchase additional fixings.
It is NOT recommended that you install Steadyracks into Plasterboard or Drywall (also known as Gyprock). Fixing to Drywall, Plasterboard or Gyprock alone voids our warranty. Your racks must always be fixed to a suitable structural material capable of supporting the weight of the rack and the bike.

Recomendamos instalar el soporte/reposo de la rueda trasera con su portabicicletas Steadyrack, pero si las circunstancias le impiden instalarlo, el portabicicletas seguirá funcionando como es debido. Es posible que la rueda trasera se mueva más de lo normal sin el soporte, pero no es necesario instalarlo.

Ideally no. The bike should be suspended above the floor to allow it to freely pivot. Bikes will come in different lengths and therefore different mounting heights which is why we suggest measuring your bikes first by following our installation guide. Refer to our installation instructions for how to work out your optimum mounting height.

All bikes will vary in their ideal mounting height. Refer to our installation guide for how to work out your optimum mounting height. We've also created a handy Wall Placement Guide to help space your racks.

Si instala sus estanterías en un lugar en el que estarán directamente expuestas a los elementos, se anulará nuestra garantía. Mostrarán signos de oxidación y el metal se volverá opaco con el tiempo; sin embargo, la funcionalidad no se verá afectada siempre que se sigan nuestras instrucciones de cuidado y mantenimiento regulares. El plástico está tratado contra los rayos UV y no debería cambiar de aspecto si no está expuesto a la luz solar directa.

Using Steadyracks to transport bikes is possible, however, it will void the warranty of the rack if done. If you decide to proceed with using the racks to transport bikes, the bikes must be tied to the racks using velcro straps or similar, to prevent excessive load being placed on the rack during transit. If the bikes bounce up and down when stored in the rack, this can cause the arms to bend and bike to dislodge.

The two vertical holes are for timber installation and the two horizontal holes are for masonry installation.

It is possible to install a tandem bike in a Steadyrack. However, the rack will need to be mounted higher to allow for the length of the tandem bike. You also need to ensure that the tandem bike doesn't exceed the maximum weight limit of the rack you have chosen. Please note, it can be more difficult to mount a tandem rack in a Steadyrack due to the length of the bike.

Installing your Steadyrack using tamper proof bolts will provide a higher degree of security to prevent theft. We recommend using a D Lock and Cable. It is also important that you do not rely on the rack arms, as the bolts holding these to the rack frame can be undone. We also recommend not leaving bikes in out of the way public or vulnerable places even when locked as it is almost impossible to prevent a professional thief from stealing a bike using cordless power tools.

No the racks are not made from stainless steel. The steel is a mild steel and its Zinc Coated or chrome plated depending on which model you choose.

The racks are made from mild steel and UV treated plastic all of which is fully recyclable.

Our racks are not made from recycled products, however, all of our racks are made from recyclable materials as well as all of our packaging.

Our preference would be to manufacture in our home country Australia however we are not able to produce our products cost effectively here. Even though we don’t manufacture at home we are employing staff, consultants, and service providers in many countries including our headquarters in Australia; if it weren’t for our Chinese factory we would not have a business and we would not be employing anyone.  

Warranty, Returns & Shipping

Yes – the warranty lasts for a period of five years effective from the purchasing date. You may also register online to extend the warranty. Please read our warranty page on our website for full information.

We work hard to ensure that Steadyrack is manufactured to the highest standard. However if you find a fault or you are dissatisfied with your Steadyrack for any reasons, please visit our website to complete our returns form.
If you change your mind, you have 90 days to return your Steadyrack products in new, unmounted condition. Please note, any return shipping costs must be covered by the customer as agreed to in the terms and conditions when purchasing on our website.

Aceptamos devoluciones (que cumplan con nuestra política de devoluciones) a nuestros almacenes situados en Europa, Reino Unido, Canadá, EE.UU. y Australia.

Una vez que el pedido ha sido procesado no puede ser cancelado y el artículo debe ser devuelto a Steadyrack de acuerdo con la política de devoluciones

El Comprador no podrá suspender los pedidos realizados al Vendedor, salvo con el consentimiento previo por escrito del Vendedor y, en ese caso, sólo si el Comprador reembolsa al Vendedor todas las pérdidas sufridas debido a dicha suspensión o cancelación, incluyendo, sin limitación, todos los daños y gastos incidentales y consecuentes derivados de la misma. La orden del Comprador de suspender o cancelar cualquier pedido puede ser tratada como repudio, haciendo al Comprador inmediatamente responsable de las pérdidas, gastos y otros daños sufridos.

It isn’t uncommon for couriers to split parcels into different consignments if there is more than one carton in a shipment. Your shipment has in this instance. The second consignment of your shipment will be delivered 1-2 business days after the first. If you still have not received your final shipment, please contact Steadyrack Support and we will endeavour to resolve the issue for you.

Please send an email to and we will be able to provide you with information about any dealers near you. 

We can ship products anywhere in the world. If your city/country is not listed on our site please contact with your details and we can arrange a shipping quote for you. 

Disponemos de almacenes en todo el mundo para enviar nuestros portabicicletas lo antes posible a hogares y empresas de todo el mundo. Realizamos envíos desde Europa, Reino Unido, Canadá, Estados Unidos y Australia. Echa un vistazo a nuestros plazos de envío estimados y para ver si su país es elegible para el envío libre.

Shipping times and deliveries vary depending on your country, region and location. Your estimated shipping delivery time will show at the checkout. However, please keep in mind that these may not take into account courier operating days, public holidays and other delivery variables. Once you have placed your order online, it can take from 1 – 3 business days to process your order.

Please visit our Dealer or Distributor page and complete the form and one of our sales team members will be in touch shortly.

The reason you have received two different models, is because we recently made a slight tweak from the V-shape to the U-shape. This is a completely aesthetic tweak and both rear tyre rests that you received are functionable. The V-shape has been discontinued, so if you wish to replace them with the U-shape rest, then we are happy to offer you the new U-shape rest valued at €7.99, free of charge, if you are happy to cover the shipping costs.


No, this is a prototype that is still in a research and development stage.

Sí, nuestros portabicicletas son ideales para edificios de apartamentos donde el aparcamiento está en un entorno seguro y no está expuesto directamente al exterior.

Yes, you can find a wide variety of spare parts available to purchase on our website. If you have any further enquiries, please send an email to and we will be able to provide you with information about parts.

As we use a higher grade of plastic the plastic components of our racks can withstand temperatures within the range of -20 degrees to 70 degrees celcius

Our racks are made to be used under full cover; garages, sheds, or even indoors. Providing that your rack is installed under full cover, it is suitable for coastal conditions. It is recommended that if installing your Steadyrack in coastal conditions that you regularly clean your rack with warm, soapy water to remove any salt build-up which can cause corrosion. Ensure to dry the rack completely after cleaning. Care and maintanence instructions can be found on the installation instructions and on our website. Disclaimer; If you install your racks anywhere they will be directly exposed to the elements including anywhere outside it will void our warranty.

We understand the price can be prohibitive, however our price is as it is for two reasons. The first is that we genuinely believe it reflects the quality and innovation behind our product, and the second is that once you buy a Steadyrack, you have it for life as it is over engineered and built to last (likely longer than your bike!).

Forward your request to and we will be in touch with you shortly.