Garage Storage Made Easy
Our Space Saving Solution For Your Garage

El garaje suele estar compartido por vehículos, bicicletas, juguetes, herramientas, cajas de almacenaje y mucho más, por lo que es muy fácil que este espacio quede desordenado y desorganizado.

Not only do unorganised and messy items in your garage make it hard to find things when you need them, but they can also be a hazard and cause damage if inappropriately stored.

¿Está preparado para llevar el almacenamiento de bicicletas de su garaje al siguiente nivel? Sigue leyendo y descubre nuestras soluciones para ahorrar espacio.

We store, you explore.

Steadyrack’s revolutionary design allows you to store your bike upright, off the floor and saves more of your valuable floor space.
Aparcabicicletas de diseño único para el garaje

Nuestros portabicicletas para garaje han cambiado la forma en que la gente de todo el mundo guarda y aparca sus bicicletas en casa y en el trabajo. Los portabicicletas de Steadyrack para la pared del garaje tienen características únicas que no sólo los convierten en los portabicicletas de almacenamiento perfectos para el garaje, sino también para otras áreas dentro y alrededor de su hogar, incluyendo cobertizos de almacenamiento, salas de estar, pasillos estrechos, gimnasios e incluso dormitorios.

When designing our bicycle racks for the garage, our goal was to achieve an easy-to-use solution for all types of spaces. Unlike other space saving or garage bike storage solutions, you can maximise your space either by pivoting our bike racks across the wall or by mounting them at a closer, staggered height.

Pero eso no es todo: los portabicicletas Steadyrack están equipados con más características únicas que harán que la organización de las bicicletas en el garaje sea un juego de niños.

Invierta en el soporte de garaje adecuado para su bicicleta

Invertir en un portabicicletas (o en varios portabicicletas) es una excelente manera de organizar su garaje y liberar más espacio. No hay mejor momento que el presente para desenredar las bicicletas, sacarlas del suelo, de las entradas y colocarlas en el portabicicletas de garaje más fácil y cómodo del mercado.

The truth is, not all bike garage storage solutions were created equally. We’re proud of the fact that we're the original innovators and leaders in bike parking solutions, no other rack on the market matches our unique combination of features. Why? Because we spent many years and countless hours designing, creating, and patenting an ultimate bicycle storage solution for the garage that would also suit all types of spaces.

Forget ceiling mounts, bike stands, awkward hooks and other bike storage systems, because our garage bicycle storage racks will be the only rack you’ll need from this day forward. With a patented pivot feature on all our bike mounts for the garage, allowing for an efficient, space-saving, and completely accessible solution for those narrow or tight spaces. If you care about your bike, care for it with Steadyrack.


The Features You Need

Roll In, Roll Out
The Steadyrack works using a pushing and pulling action to load and unload bikes making it suitable and easy for people of all ages and strength. When the rack is mounted at the recommended height, you can simply roll your bike in and out.
Ahorro de espacio
Steadyrack bike racks can be mounted to virtually any wall and will conveniently swivel from side to side. Steadyrack’s can be installed as close as 350mm apart and due to the swivel action, can be overlapped. When the rack is empty, the arms fold away.
Easy to Install
Even if you’re not a handy person, Steadyracks are easy to install. Each rack comes with all the fixings you’ll need for timber or masonry (brick) installations. They can be mounted to any structurally sound wall.
Construido para durar
Made from Chrome plated steel, our racks are strong and built to last, holding up to 35kg.
Fácil de usar
The unique design of a Steadyrack means they’re extremely simple to use for everyone. Just open the support arms, balance your bike on the rear tyre and then push and pull the bike in or out to use.
Seguro, protegido y con cerradura
Bikes fit snugly into Steadyracks, so there’s virtually no risk of the bikes falling over and being damaged. Bikes can also be secured easily using conventional chain or D type locks, making them extremely secure bike storage solutions.
Roll In, Roll Out
The Steadyrack works using a pushing and pulling action to load and unload bikes making it suitable and easy for people of all ages and strength. When the rack is mounted at the recommended height, you can simply roll your bike in and out.
Ahorro de espacio
Steadyrack bike racks can be mounted to virtually any wall and will conveniently swivel from side to side. Steadyrack’s can be installed as close as 350mm apart and due to the swivel action, can be overlapped. When the rack is empty, the arms fold away.
Easy to Install
Even if you’re not a handy person, Steadyracks are easy to install. Each rack comes with all the fixings you’ll need for timber or masonry (brick) installations. They can be mounted to any structurally sound wall.
Construido para durar
Made from Chrome plated steel, our racks are strong and built to last, holding up to 35kg.
Fácil de usar
The unique design of a Steadyrack means they’re extremely simple to use for everyone. Just open the support arms, balance your bike on the rear tyre and then push and pull the bike in or out to use.
Seguro, protegido y con cerradura
Bikes fit snugly into Steadyracks, so there’s virtually no risk of the bikes falling over and being damaged. Bikes can also be secured easily using conventional chain or D type locks, making them extremely secure bike storage solutions.
Roll In, Roll Out
The Steadyrack works using a pushing and pulling action to load and unload bikes making it suitable and easy for people of all ages and strength. When the rack is mounted at the recommended height, you can simply roll your bike in and out.
Ahorro de espacio
Steadyrack bike racks can be mounted to virtually any wall and will conveniently swivel from side to side. Steadyrack’s can be installed as close as 350mm apart and due to the swivel action, can be overlapped. When the rack is empty, the arms fold away.
Easy to Install
Even if you’re not a handy person, Steadyracks are easy to install. Each rack comes with all the fixings you’ll need for timber or masonry (brick) installations. They can be mounted to any structurally sound wall.
Construido para durar
Made from Chrome plated steel, our racks are strong and built to last, holding up to 35kg.
Fácil de usar
The unique design of a Steadyrack means they’re extremely simple to use for everyone. Just open the support arms, balance your bike on the rear tyre and then push and pull the bike in or out to use.
Seguro, protegido y con cerradura
Bikes fit snugly into Steadyracks, so there’s virtually no risk of the bikes falling over and being damaged. Bikes can also be secured easily using conventional chain or D type locks, making them extremely secure bike storage solutions.
5 Year Warranty

Steadyrack bike racks come with a comprehensive five-year warranty, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected.

Pasos para ahorrar espacio en su garaje con Steadyrack

¿Necesita una solución más eficaz para guardar las bicicletas en su garaje? Un garaje organizado, funcional y práctico puede reportar muchos beneficios; sin embargo, puede resultar difícil saber por dónde empezar.

Una vez que haya pedido su portabicicletas de garaje Steadyrack, sólo tiene que seguir los pasos que se indican a continuación para asegurarse de que saca el máximo partido al almacenamiento de bicicletas en su garaje.

Planifique la organización de su garaje

Plan where you will install your new bike racks for your garage and how you’ll space these out. Make sure you follow our guides and consider other items in your garage.


Asegúrese de limpiar su garaje antes de instalar los portabicicletas. Organiza el espacio tirando o donando los objetos que no necesites o utilices. Esto ayudará a liberar espacio extra.

Ir en vertical

Our vertical wall mount bike rack for your garage is the perfect example of this. Utilising wall space is a great way to free up floor space. Consider using shelves and cabinets for tools.

Tómese su tiempo

Installing a Steadyrack for your garage can be easy if you take your time and review our easy installation guide & videos before starting.

Suitable For Most Bike Types

Wheel Diameter | Narrow, Wide, & Fat 20" - 29"
Tyre Width | Narrow Up to 2.1"
Tyre Width | Wide 2.1" - 2.8"
Tyre Width | Fat 2.8" - 5"
Maximum Weight | Narrow, Wide & Fat 55kg/121lbs
Fenders/Mudguards Compatibility & Clearance Yes. Minimum of 20mm or 3/4 Inch Clearance Between Tyre & Stays
Includes GearMate SteadySpine Yes
Soporte para bicicletas de montaña’ MTB, eMTB, Grava
Wheel Diameter 20'' – 29''
Tyre Width 2.1'' – 2.8"
Maximum Weight 35kg / 77lbs
Fenders/Mudguards No
Includes GearMate SteadySpine No
Portabiciletas clásico’ Carretera, híbrido, MTB pequeño, BMX
Wheel Diameter 20” – 29”
Tyre Width Up to 2.1”
Maximum Weight 35kg / 77lbs
Fenders/Mudguards No
Includes GearMate SteadySpine No
Soporte para eBike eBikes CON DEFENSAS, eMTB, Cercanías, Ciudad, Pueblo
Wheel Diameter 20" – 29"
Tyre Width 2.1" – 2.8"
Maximum Weight 35kgs / 77lbs
Fenders/Mudguards Compatibility & Clearance Yes. Minimum of 20mm or 3/4 Inch Clearance Between Tyre & Stays
Includes GearMate SteadySpine No
Portabicicletas para fat bikes Fat Bikes, bicicletas eléctricas con neumáticos "gordos
Wheel Diameter 20” – 29”
Tyre Width 2.8” – 5”
Maximum Weight 35kg / 77lbs
Fenders/Mudguards No
Includes GearMate SteadySpine No
Portabicicletas de guardabarros Bicicletas CON Guardabarros, Carretera, Contrarreloj, Híbrida, MTB Pequeña, Cercanías, Ciudad, Ciudad
Wheel Diameter 20” – 29”
Tyre Width Up to 2.4”
Maximum Weight 25kg / 55lbs
Fenders/Mudguards Compatibility & Clearance Yes. Minimum of 20mm or 3/4 Inch Clearance Between Tyre & Stays
Includes GearMate SteadySpine No